Here's a random bunch of pictures I've been meaning to post for a while. They span the past couple weeks.
Up first is the latest: Gabby, Alex, and I at a foreigner bar on Saturday night.
Gabby, I, Dana, and Nyssa at a bar a while ago.
Dana and I at the cutest store in the world.
Alex and I at our favourite bar.
Gabby and I being jackasses (we're in the process of falling down in this picture, although it looks like I'm simply farting) in Nara, which is officially Japan's Middle of Nowhere. Notice the hideous tights in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
This is me holding a mattya (green tea) parfait at a really popular place in Gion, Kyoto's traditional district. We had them in celebration of finishing midterms, and they were delicious!
And last, Gabby and I at our favourite bar!
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